The Big Luck

Introducing "The Big Luck," an extraordinary recording artist hailing from the vibrant city of Atlanta, GA, but with roots deeply embedded in Gary, Indiana. His journey has been shaped by a life marked by adversity, having faced violence, crime, and racism head-on. Emerging from a tumultuous past, The Big Luck has transcended the challenges of his environment, transforming his ambitions from a turbulent history to a trajectory of legal success.

A beacon of resilience, The Big Luck channels his experiences with the law into a powerful narrative, illustrating the transformative impact of dedication and determination. Through his music, he not only shares his personal evolution but also advocates for activism and justice, using his platform to address societal issues close to his heart.

Beyond the mic, The Big Luck is a true artisan, taking charge of every aspect of his craft. From production to writing, recording, and conceptual development, he navigates the creative landscape within the walls of his personal studio. His hard work and determination serve as a testament to his commitment to excellence.

Education has been a crucial cornerstone of The Big Luck's journey. Having pursued college, he brings a cultivated intellect to his artistry, bridging the worlds of academia and creativity. In collaborative efforts with fellow artists from various media forms—photography, music, painting, videography—he cultivates an environment of shared inspiration and innovation.

The Big Luck is not just an artist; he is a force of honesty, determination, and positivity. His expressive nature transcends the confines of his music, leaving an indelible mark on his fans. With unwavering dedication, he remains an enigma, consistently pushing the boundaries of what's expected.

To his fans, The Big Luck offers more than just music; he offers a genuine connection and a promise of something extraordinary on the horizon. As he continues to evolve and surprise, The Big Luck invites you to join him on this mysterious and exhilarating journey, leaving us all eagerly anticipating what he'll unveil next.

Beatz 4 Days Productions

All music is made, controlled and distributed through Beatz 4 Days Productions. A in house production company established in 2002 from Atlanta, GA, focusing on all genres but specifically honed in on hip-hop legacy media. Honed to creating unique and explosive sounds for the modern listener. B4D Productions continues to deliver infectious music for the audience to enjoy for days.

The Big Luck

Albums Available

 Amazon, Anghami, Apple Music, MediaNet, Boomplay, Deezer, Instagram/Facebook, Adaptr, Flo, YouTube Music, iHeartRadio, Claro Música, iTunes, Joox, Kuack Media, NetEase, Qobuz, Pandora, Saavn, Spotify, Tencent, Tidal and TikTok & other ByteDance stores

The Big Luck - Make A Move [Ghost] Album - 2024 (

New Album

The Big Luck 

For the Win

Available Today! YAY!

Available Also at BandCamp.


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Entertainer II

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Hustle Season

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Forté Instrumentals

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Lord of the Vapor

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Run Go Get It

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Coming Soon!

Do you love to create music but hate to waste time? Submit music, photos or videos for consideration to have your music produced or image enhanced at Forté photography inc. and Love & Hate Studios. If accepted, a video consultation and a written-out treatment process can begin to develop to set you apart from the rest. Contact us today with your submission



photography/ video